Contact Us

Alaska Native Epidemiology Center

We invite you to start a conversation with us about how we can support your efforts in improving the health and well-being of Alaska Native communities. Whether you need assistance with survey design or evaluation, require data or data analysis, or seek support for health communication materials, we are here to help. Please fill out the form below. We look forward to collaborating with you.

We support Tribal health programs and projects throughout Alaska and have expertise working with federal, tribal, state, regional, and community partners involved in Alaska Native health. 

Technical Assistance Examples:

  • Data request and/or analysis
  • Program evaluation – We provide technical assistance to Tribal Health Organizations seeking support for program evaluation activities.
  • Literature search
  • Survey design
  • Presentation – We provide presentations on Alaska Native health status, health disparities, cancer, and other health topics of interest.
  • Training – We provide capacity-building opportunities through workshops and trainings on a variety of topics. 

2550 Denali Street, 6th Floor
Anchorage, AK 99503

Phone: (907) 729-4567
Fax: (907) 729-4569


Photo by Agnes Hunt, Senior Office Specialist

Need Technical Assistance?

Please fill out this form to request services and trainings from the EpiCenter.

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