Healthy Families Initiatives (2010-2015)
Healthy families allow individuals and communities to thrive, benefiting physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health. The Alaska Native EpiCenter has produced several resources that promote healthy relationships and families.
Regional Resource Guides
These guides were developed to provide statewide and regional information on programs for domestic violence, sexual violence and coercion, child abuse and neglect, and vulnerable adult/elder abuse. These guides are intended for people who have survived abuse, for those who have committed abuse, and for anyone interested in preventing abuse and promoting wellness.
Regional Resource Guides available for download:
Aleutians/Pribilofs | Anchorage | Arctic Slope | Bristol Bay | Copper River/PWS | Interior | Kenai Peninsula | Kodiak | Mat-Su Valley | Northwest Arctic | Norton Sound | Southeast | Yukon Kuskokwim

Teen Safety Card
The Getting Together safety card and its poster, with card pockets, are for teens. Created in partnership with Alaska teens, these materials provide information about healthy and unhealthy relationships, how to help others, and how to get help.
Download the Teen Safety Card (PDF).
Order wallet-sized cards and/or posters through iknowmine.org.
Please note: Original print-ready files are available to organizations wishing to reprint or modify these documents. Please contact us for camera-ready art.

Safety Card for Women
The We Are Worthy safety card and its poster, with card pockets, are for teen girls and adult women. Created in partnership with girls and women across Alaska, these materials provide culturally-appropriate information about relationships, how they affect our health, and how to get help.
Download the statewide Safety Card (PDF).
Order wallet-sized cards and/or posters through iknowmine.org.
Please note: Original print-ready files are available to organizations wishing to reprint or modify these documents. Please contact us for camera-ready art.
Online Training for Health Professionals
Domestic and Sexual Violence and the Patient Safety Card Approach to Integrated Education, Assessment, and Response
This training series has the following major objectives. Participants will be able to:
- Describe domestic and sexual violence (DV/SV) and reproductive coercion and its effects on health and healthcare
- Create a safe environment for patients, including using integrated education + screening with the evidence-based, culturally appropriate patient safety card approach
- Respond to patients with support, responsive healthcare, and harm reduction in a trauma-informed way
View the training series playlist videos on YouTube.

Community Toolkit
This toolkit is for anyone (elders, youth peer educators, teachers, nurses, health aides, parents, etc.) who wants to work with youth to support them to have safe and healthy relationships.
All of the materials are available here:
- the PowerPoint presentation (based on the Getting Together card) with extensive notes to help presenters;
- the resource list;
- the 11 short videos featuring Alaska youth; and
- the scripts so communities can make their own skits.
These resources are provided so that young people in every community can learn about and discuss vital issues like healthy and unhealthy relationships, consent and assault, how to help a friend, and how to get help. The “Guide” below is a step-by-step guide to help you get started using this toolkit.
Powerpoint slides with presenter notes:
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
Resource List (PDF) | Guide (PDF) | Scripts for Skits (PDF)
View the Youth Healthy & Unhealthy Relationships Skits* on YouTube.
(*Note: Some skits may contain explicit language.)