The Alaska Native Epidemiology Center offers training workshops to build skills in core public health competencies within our Alaska Tribal Health System (ATHS).

Upcoming Trainings Sponsored by the ANTHC EpiCenter
Intro to Data Management In-Person Training
Let us come to you!
Alaska Native EpiCenter’s Data Management team members, Julie Morris and Megan Ackerman, will travel to your location to provide an Intro to Data Management workshop from 10 a.m. to noon. After a lunch break, they’ll off a four-hour open office session in the afternoon for technical assistance and support with your spreadsheets.
Email your request for in-person training to anepicenter@anthc.org.
Click on the training to email our training coordinator and get early notifications when registration opens. Dates are subject to change.
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Past Training
The EpiCenter runs several training workshops each year. Past topics have included program evaluation, grants management, health literacy, and many more. We provide scholarships to Alaska Native professionals and students to help build capacity in the Alaska Tribal Health System.
Alaska Native Community Health Assessments
This 25 minute video will share information on how to respectfully conduct a community health assessment in Alaska Native communities, including building relationships, planning the assessment, analyzing the information collected, and using assessment results to strategize changes to improve community health.
External Resources & Opportunities
For Students
- UAA Department of Health Sciences
- Della Keats Health Sciences Summer Program
- ANTHC Scholarship Program
- Indian Health Service (IHS) Scholarship Program
- CDC Public Health Associate Program
- National Institutes of Health (NIH) Undergraduate Scholarship Program
- Council of State & Territorial Epidemiologists Applied Epidemiology Fellowship
- Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) Internship Program
- University of Michigan Future Public Health Leaders Program
- Oak Ridge Institute for Science & Education (ORISE) Internships, Scholarships & Fellowships
- Columbia University Summer Public Health Scholars Program
- ALPHA Summit
- Alaska Maternal Child Health & Immunization Conference
- Alaska Tribal Conference on Environmental Management
- National Tribal Health Conference
- American Public Health Association Annual Meeting
Continuing Education
- Job listings at ANTHC
- Job listings at TEC
- Careers at Alaska Department of Health
- American Public Health Association CareerMart