What We Do
Using Data to Improve Health
The Alaska Native Epidemiology Center provides public health and epidemiologic services to Alaska regional tribal health organizations and other tribal entities. We have four core functions which serve as the framework for our activities. These functions are:
What is Epidemiology?
/ˌepiˌdēmēˈäləjē/ (noun)
Epidemiology is the study of the distribution and determinants of health-related states and events in specified populations, and the application of this study to the control of health problems.
Source: Last JM, editor. Dictionary of epidemiology. 4th ed. New York: Oxford University Press; 2001. p. 61.
Information Sharing
We respond to data requests, analyze and report on health data, and share Alaska Native health information at the local, state, national, and international levels.
Technical Assistance and Training
We support tribal health programs and projects throughout Alaska and have expertise working with federal, tribal, state, regional, and community partners involved in Alaska Native health. To request services and trainings from the EpiCenter, please fill out the form on our contact page.
- Training: We provide capacity-building opportunities through workshops and trainings on a variety of topics.
- Presentations: We provide presentations on Alaska Native health status, health disparities, cancer, and other health topics of interest.
- Data/Information Requests: We respond to requests for information on Alaska Native health issues including health outcomes, risk factors, sociodemographics, or other health related topics.
- Program Evaluation: We provide technical assistance to tribal health organizations seeking support for program evaluation activities. We can also serve as independent evaluators for specific programs or projects.
Surveillance and Applied Studies
The EpiCenter is home to the Alaska Native Tumor Registry, a formal centralized cancer registry. We also conduct applied health studies in areas such as cancer prevention and control.
Disease Prevention and Health Promotion
We develop initiatives that address health priorities through health promotion and disease prevention activities.