Publications focused on specific issues.
The EpiCenter compiles data on a range of health indicators and presents them as factsheets. These data provide an overview of the health status of the Alaska Native population statewide and for each region.
Adolescent Health
- Adolescent Social Support
- Adolescent Depression
- Adolescent Suicide Attempts
- Adolescent Physical Activity
- Adolescent Obesity
- Adolescent Healthy Weight
- Adolescent Current Smoking
- Adolescent Smokeless Tobacco Use
- Adolescent Current Drinking
- Adolescent Binge Drinking
- Adolescent Marijuana Use
- Adolescent Prescription Pain Medicine Misuse
- Adolescent Soda Consumption
- Adolescent Sexual Activity
- Adolescent Bullying
- Adolescent Intimate Partner Violence
Adult Health
Preventative Care
Environmental Health
Suggested Factsheet Citation: Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium, Alaska Native Epidemiology Center. Factsheet Title. URL. Updated Date. Accessed Date.
Example: Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium, Alaska Native Epidemiology Center. Cancer Incidence. www.anthc.org/epicenter/Cancer_7_27_2015.pdf. Updated July 27, 2015. Accessed October 9, 2015.
Not finding what you’re looking for? Please contact us and we may be able to assist you.
Previously published factsheets are available on the Health Data Archives page.