The Alaska Native Epidemiology Center (EpiCenter) produces health reports that provide statewide and regional level data to tribal health organizations and other entities working to improve the health of Alaska Native people.

Additionally, EpiCenter staff author manuscipts on public health topics which are published in peer-reviewed journals to inform others interested in improving Alaska Native health.


Alaska Native Health Status Report, 3rd Edition

This report provides an overview of the health status of Alaska Native people living in Alaska statewide and by tribal health regions. These data can help demonstrate significant health improvements that have been achieved among Alaska Native people. 250 pages.

Full Report (19.5 MB)

Chapters: Table of Contents | Introduction | Sociodemographics | Mortality | Morbidity | Maternal, Infant, and Child Health | Adolescent Health | Adult Health | Preventative Care | Environmental Health | Regional Profiles | List of Figures and Tables | References | Executive and Data Summaries | Appendices

Alaska Native Mortality Report: 1980-2018

This report shows detailed information on the leading causes of death among Alaska Native people over time. Statistics are provided by age, gender, and by Tribal health service regions. Further information about life expectancy, years of potential life lost, excess death, and comparisons to U.S. all races mortality can be found in this report. 310 pages.

Full Report (3 MB)

Cancer in Alaska Native People: 50-Year Report

This 50-year report shows detailed information on cancer incidence and mortality by site, gender, stage, and cancer trends over time among Alaska Native people compared to US whites. Cancer incidence data are also presented by Tribal health regions in Alaska for leading cancers and cancer trends. 186 pages.

Full Report (8 MB)

Cancer Among Alaska Native People: Executive Summary of the 50-Year Report

This brochure summarizes the information from the full 50 year report. It gives information on the leading cancers, how rates of these cancers vary throughout the state, and how they have changed over time.

Full Summary (23 MB)

EpiCenter-authored Articles


Jeffries L, Flanagan C, Finney Rutten L, Kisiel J, Redwood D. Factors Influencing the Choice Between Multi-Target Stool DNA and Colonoscopy for Colorectal Cancer Screening Among Alaska Native Peoples. Life 2025;15(1), 120. Full article link.

Redwood D, McNelly S, Flynn K, Siekaniec C, Habeger C, Wark K, Takeno T, Thomas, T. Addressing colorectal cancer among Alaska Native peoples: A community and subject matter expert symposium. Gastro Hep Advances. 2025. Full article link.


Fitting R, Morris J. October 14, 2024. State of Alaska EpiBulletin, No. 12: Cold Exposure Injuries among People without Housing – Alaska 2012-2021. [PDF 252 KB]

Subramanian S, Tangka F, Hoover S, Mathews A, Redwood D, Smayda L, Ruiz E, Silva R, Brenton V, McElroy J, Lusk B, Eason SOptimizing tracking and completion of follow-up colonoscopy after abnormal stool tests at health systems participating in the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Colorectal Cancer Control Program. Cancer Causes Control. 2024. [Abstract]

Nash S, Verhage E, Flanagan C, Haverkamp D, Roik EZimpelman GRedwood D. Clinical Outcomes from the Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium Colorectal Cancer Control Program: 2009–2015. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health. 2024. Full article link.


Redwood D, Toffolon M, Flanagan C, Kisiel J, Kaur J, Jeffries L, Zenku M, Lent J, Bachtold J. Provider-and System-Level Barriers and Facilitators to Colonoscopy and Multi-Target Stool DNA for Colorectal Cancer Screening in Rural/Remote Alaska Native Communities. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health. 2023. Full article link.

Smayda LC, Day GM, Redwood DG, Beans JA, Hiratsuka VY, Nash SH, Koller KR. Cancer screening prevalence among participants in the southcentral Alaska Education and Research towards Health (EARTH) Study at baseline and follow-up. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health. 2023. Full article link.

Haverkamp D, Redwood D, Vindigni S, Thomas T. Elevated colorectal cancer incidence among American Indian/Alaska Native persons in Alaska compared to other populations worldwide. International Journal of Circumpolar Health. 2023. Full article link.

Redwood D, Prewitt J, Holt M, Gerrish S. Elevated adenomatous polyp detection rate Among Alaska Native and American Indian people in Interior Alaska, 2018-2022. Public Health Reports. 2023. [Abstract]


Nash SH, Zimpelman GL , Miller KN, Clark, JH, Britton CL. The Alaska Native Tumour Registry: Fifty years of cancer surveillance data for Alaska Native people, International Journal of Circumpolar Health., 81:1. 2023. Full article link.

Ward LA, Black KP, Britton CL, Tompkins ML, Provost EM. COVID-19 Cases, Hospitalizations, and Deaths Among American Indian or Alaska Native Persons — Alaska, 2020–2021. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2022; 71:730–733. Full article link.

O’Brien D, Quinn J, Avila R, Redwood D, Roik E, State of Alaska EpiBulletin 2022, No. 15: Early Onset Colorectal Cancer, by Sex and Race — Alaska, 1996–2019. [PDF 306 KB]

Kratzer T, Jemal A, Miller K, Nash S, Wiggins C, Redwood D, Smith R, Siegel R. Cancer statistics for American Indian and Alaska Native individuals, 2022: Including increasing disparities in early onset colorectal cancer. CA Cancer J Clin 2022;0:1–27. [Abstract]

Burhansstipanov L, Braun K, Harjo L, Cassel K, Ka‘opua L, Redwood D, Mitchell-Box K, Peterson E, Solomon T, Pingatore N. Building Infrastructure, Increasing Capacity, and Improving Quality in Indigenous Health Systems. In Burhansstipanov L & Braun K (Eds.), Indigenous Public Health: Improvement through Community-Engaged Interventions (Understanding and Improving Health for Minority and Disadvantaged Populations) (pp. 103-124). University of Kentucky Press. [Abstract]

Burhansstipanov L, Braun K, Blanchard J, Petereit D, Olson A, Sanderson P, Joshweseoma L, Hsu C-H, Batai K, Joshweseoma L, Russell D, Redwood D, Bauer M. Cancer and Survivorship in American Indians and Alaska Natives. In Burhansstipanov L & Braun K (Eds.), Indigenous Public Health: Improvement through Community-Engaged Interventions (Understanding and Improving Health for Minority and Disadvantaged Populations) (pp. 147-173). University of Kentucky Press. [Abstract]

Patten CA, Hiratsuka VY, Nash SH, Day G, Redwood DG, Beans JA, Howard BV, Umans JG, Koller KR, Smoking Patterns Among Urban Alaska Native and American Indian Adults: The Alaska EARTH 10-Year Follow-up Study. Nicotine Tob Res. 2022;24(6):840-846. [Abstract]

Flanagan CA, Finney Rutten LJ, Kisiel JB, Lent JK, Bachtold JF, Swartz AW, and Redwood DG. Development of a colorectal cancer screening intervention for Alaska Native people during a pandemic year. Contemporary Clinical Trials Communications. 2022 Dec;30:101016. Epub 2022 Oct 10. [Abstract]


Nash SH, Day G, Hiratsuka VY, Beans J, Redwood D, Holck P, Howard BV, Umans J, Koller KR. Ten-year weight gain is not associated with multiple cardiometabolic measures in Alaska EARTH study participants. Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis. 2021 Feb 8;31(2):403-410. doi: 10.1016/j.numecd.2020.09.022. Epub 2020 Sep 24.PMID: 33127251. Free PMC article.

Nash SH, Britton C, Redwood D. Characteristics of colorectal cancers among Alaska Native people before and after implementing programs to promote screening. J Cancer Policy. 2021 Sep;29:100293. doi: 10.1016/j.jcpo.2021.100293. Epub 2021 Jul 12.PMID: 34395191 [Abstract]

Patten CA, Hiratsuka VY, Nash SH, Day G, Redwood DG, Beans JA, Howard BV, Umans JG, Koller KR. Smoking patterns among urban Alaska Native and American Indian adults: The Alaska EARTH 10-year follow-up study. Nicotine Tob Res. 2021 Nov 25:ntab245. doi: 10.1093/ntr/ntab245. Online ahead of print.PMID: 34850172 [Abstract]

Redwood DG, Dinh TA, Kisiel JB, Borah BJ, Moriarty JP, Provost EM, Sacco FD, Tiesinga JJ, Ahlquist DA. Cost-Effectiveness of Multitarget Stool DNA Testing vs Colonoscopy or Fecal Immunochemical Testing for Colorectal Cancer Screening in Alaska Native People. Mayo Clin Proc. 2021 May;96(5):1203-1217. doi: 10.1016/j.mayocp.2020.07.035. Epub 2021 Apr 9.PMID: 33840520 Free article.

Nolen LD, Bressler S, Vindigni SM, Miller K, Nash S, Gastric Cancer in Alaska Native and American Indian People Living in Alaska, 1990-2017. Clin Transl Gastroenterol. 2021 Jun 23;12(7):e00374. doi: 10.14309/ctg.0000000000000374.PMID: 34158461 Free PMC article.

Simkin J, Nash SH, Barchuk A, O’Brien DK, Erickson AC, Hanley B, Hannah H, Corriveau A, Larsen IK, Skovlund CW, Larønningen S, Dummer TJB, Bruce MG, Ogilvie G. Stomach Cancer Incidence and Mortality Trends among Circumpolar Nations. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2021 May;30(5):845-856. doi: 10.1158/1055-9965.EPI-20-1618. Epub 2021 Feb 24.PMID: 33627381 [Abstract]

Townshend-Bulson L, Roik E, Barbour Y, Bruden DJT, Homan CE, Espera HGF, Stevenson TJ, Hewitt AM, Rhodes W, Gove JE, Plotnik JN, Snowball MM, McGilvray J, Simons BC, Johnston JM, McMahon BJ. The Alaska Native/American Indian experience of hepatitis C treatment with sofosbuvir-based direct-acting antivirals. PLoS One. 2021 Dec 2;16(12):e0260970. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0260970. eCollection 2021.PMID: 34855920  Free PMC article.

McMahon BJ, Nolen LD, Snowball M, Homan C, Negus S, Roik E, Spradling PR, Bruden D. HBV Genotype: A Significant Risk Factor in Determining Which Patients With Chronic HBV Infection Should Undergo Surveillance for HCC: The Hepatitis B Alaska Study. Hepatology. 2021 Dec;74(6):2965-2973. doi: 10.1002/hep.32065. Epub 2021 Sep 20.PMID: 34292609 [Abstract]

Redwood DG, Dinh TA, Kisiel JB, Borah BJ, Moriarty JP, Provost EM, Sacco FD, Tiesinga JJ, Ahlquist DA. Cost-effectiveness of multi-target stool DNA testing vs colonoscopy or fecal immunochemical testing for colorectal cancer screening in Alaska Native people. Mayo Clin Proc. 2021;96(5):1203-1217. [Abstract]


Nash S, Day G, Hiratsuka V, Beans J, Redwood D, Holck P, Howard B, Umans J, Koller K. Ten-year weight gain is not associated with multiple cardiometabolic measures in Alaska EARTH study participants. Nutrition, Metabolism & Cardiovascular Diseases 2020. [Abstract]

Koller K, Day G, Hiratsuka V, Beans J, Nash S, Redwood D, Zhud J, Howard B, Umans J. Increase in diabetes among urban Alaska Native people in the Alaska EARTH Follow-up Study: A call for prediabetes screening, diagnosis, and referral for intervention. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice 2020; [Abstract]

Nash SH, Greenley R, Dietz-Chavez D, Vindigni S, Harrison T, Peters U, Redwood D. Incorporating participant and clinical feedback into a community-based participatory research study of colorectal cancer among Alaska Native people. Journal of Community Health. 2020; doi: 10.1007/s10900-020-00796-x. [Abstract]


Nash SH, Zimpelman G, Stillwater B, Olnes M, Provost E. Invasive breast cancer among Alaska Native women in Alaska. Int J Circumpolar Health. 2019;78(1):1633190. [Abstract]

Nash SH, Day G, Zimpelman G, Hiratsuka VY, Koller KR. Cancer incidence and associations with known risk and protective factors: the Alaska EARTH study. Cancer Causes Control. 2019;30(10):1067-1074. [Abstract]

Nash SH, Day G, Hiratsuka VY, Zimpelman GL, Koller KR. Agreement between self-reported and central cancer registry-recorded prevalence of cancer in the Alaska EARTH study. Int J Circumpolar Health. 2019;78(1):1571383. [Abstract]

Redwood D, Blake I, Provost E, Kisiel J, Sacco F, Ahlquist D. Alaska Native patient and provider perspectives on the multi-target stool DNA test compared with colonoscopy for colorectal cancer screening. Journal of Primary Care and Community Health 2019; 10:2150132719884295. [Abstract]

Redwood DG, Day GE, Beans JA, Nash SH, Hiratsuka VY, Howard BV, Umans JG, Koller KR. Alaska Native Traditional Food and Harvesting Activity Patterns Over Ten Years of Follow Up. Current Developments in Nutrition 2019. doi: nzz114. [Abstract]

Mohelsky R, Redwood D, Fenaughty A, Provost E, Dalena C, McGuire L. An innovative tribal-state partnership: The development of the Healthy Alaskans 2020 Statewide Health Improvement Plan. Journal of Public Health Management & Practice 2019; 25(5 Supp), S84–S90. [Abstract]

Nash SH, Peters U, Redwood D. Developing an epidemiologic study to investigate risk factors for colorectal cancer among Alaska Native people. Journal of Public Health Management & Practice 2019; 25(5 Supp), S54–S60. [Abstract]

Beans JA, Hiratsuka VY, Shane AL, Day GE, Redwood DG, Flanagan CA, Wilson AS, Howard BV, Umans JG, Koller KR. Follow-up study methods for a longitudinal cohort of Alaska Native and American Indian people living within urban south central Alaska: The EARTH Study. Journal of Community Health 2019. doi: 10.1007/s10900-019-00630-z. [Abstract]

Redwood D, Mitchell-Box K, Peterson E, Provost E. Improving the health of Alaska Native people through use of a policy change model and capacity building. Prev Chronic Dis 2019;16:190077. DOI [Abstract]


Dehghani K, Lan Z, Li P, Michelsen SW, Waites S, Benedetti A, Lejeune P, Torrie J, Robinson E, Vejvoda B, Mullah M, Redwood D, Cooper M, Fanning A, Yacoub W, Alvarez GG, Søborg B, Long R, Menzies D. Determinants of tuberculosis trends in six Indigenous populations of the USA, Canada, and Greenland from 1960 to 2014: a population-based study. Lancet Public Health. 2018 Mar;3(3):e133-e142. [Abstract]

Nash SH, Lanier AP, Southworth MB. Occurrence of Endocrine and Thyroid Cancers Among Alaska Native People, 1969-2013. Thyroid 2018 Apr;28(4):481-487. [Abstract]

Nash SH, Meisner ALW, Zimpelman GL, Barry M, Wiggins CL. Cancer survival among Alaska Native people. Cancer. 2018 Jun 15;124(12):2570-2577. [Abstract]

Nash SH, Redwood DG. Potentially preventable cancers among Alaska Native people. Cancer Health Disparities 2018;2:e1-e15. [Abstract]


Kelley SF, Day, GM, DeCourtney, C, Nash, SH. Timeliness of Breast Cancer Treatment Within The Alaska Tribal Health System. Journal of Rural Health 2017 Oct; [Abstract]


Warren-Mears V, Ritchey J, Larson B, English K, Provost E, Hill K, Wimsatt M, Grismala K, Andreini M, Yazzie D, Beaudry PJ. Tribal Epidemiology Centers and Native American Health. J Acad Nutr Diet 2016;116(5):769-70. [Abstract]

Joseph D, Redwood D, DeGroff A, Butler E. Use of evidence-based interventions to address disparities in colorectal cancer screening. MMWR Supplements 2016; 65(01):21–28. [Article]

Redwood D, Asay ED, Blake ID, Sacco PE, Christensen CM, Sacco FD, Tiesinga JJ, Devens ME, Alberts SR, Mahoney DW, Yab TC, Foote PH, Smyrk TC, Provost EM, Ahlquist DA. Stool DNA testing for screening detection of colorectal neoplasia in Alaska Native people. Mayo Clin Proc 2016;91(1):61-70. [Abstract]

Redwood D, Provost E, Lopez E, Skewes M, Johnson R, Christensen C, Sacco F, Haverkamp D. A Process Evaluation of the Alaska Native Colorectal Cancer Family Outreach Program. Health Educ Behav 2016;43(1):35-42. [Abstract]


Craig JA, Redwood DG, Provost EM, Haverkamp DS, Espey DK. Use of tracking and reminder systems for colorectal cancer screening in Indian Health Service and tribal facilities. IHS Prim Care Provid 2015;40(2), 10-17. [Abstract]


Howard BV, Metzger JS, Koller KR, Jolly SE, Asay ED, Wang H, Wolfe AW, Hopkins SE, Kaufmann C, Raymer TW, Trimble B, Provost EM, Ebbesson SO, Austin MA, Howard WJ, Umans JG, Boyer BB. All-cause, cardiovascular, and cancer mortality in western Alaska Native people: western Alaska Tribal Collaborative for Health (WATCH). Am J Public Health 2014;104(7):1334-40. [Abstract]

Redwood D, Suryaprasad A, Haverkamp D, Wong C, Provost E, Espey D. Evaluating an Electronic Measure of Colorectal Cancer Screening at Indian Health Service Facilities, 2008-2010. IHS Prim Care Provid 2014;39(6):86-93. [Abstract]

Redwood D, Provost E, Asay E, Roberts D, Haverkamp D, Perdue D, Bruce MG, Sacco F, Espey D. Comparison of guaiac-based and immunochemical fecal occult blood tests for colorectal cancer screening in an Alaska Native population with high prevalence of Helicobacter pylori infection. Prev Chronic Disease 2014;11:E56. [Abstract]

Perdue DG, Haverkamp D, Perkins C, Daley CM, Provost E. Geographic variation in colorectal cancer incidence and mortality, age of onset, and stage at diagnosis among American Indian and Alaska Native people, 1990-2009. Am J Public Health 2014;104 Suppl 3:S404-14. [Abstract]

Keck JW, Miernyk KM, Bulkow LR, Kelly JJ, McMahon BJ, Sacco F, Hennessy TW, Bruce MG. Helicobacter pylori infection and markers of gastric cancer risk in Alaska Native persons: a retrospective case-control study. Can J Gastroenterol Hepatol 2014;28(6):305-10. [Abstract]

Kelly JJ, Lanier AP, Schade T, Brantley J, Starkey BM. Cancer disparities among Alaska Native people, 1970-2011. Prev Chronic Dis 2014;11:E221. [Abstract]

Koller KR, Wilson AS, Asay ED, Metzger JS, Neal DE. Agreement Between Self-Report and Medical Record Prevalence of 16 Chronic Conditions in the Alaska EARTH Study. J Prim Care Community Health 2014;5(3):160-165. [Abstract]

Redwood DG, Asay E, Sacco P, Hamlin C, Otto E, Christensen C, Davis PW, Tiesinga J, Sacco F, Devens M, Alberts S, Mahoney D, Fiero M, Yab T, Lidgard G, Berger B, Provost E, Ahlquist D. Stool DNA testing for screen-detection of colorectal neoplasia in Alaska Native people. Gastroenterology 2014;146(5):S-403. [Abstract]


Redwood D, Provost E, Asay E, Ferguson J, Muller J. Giant inflatable colon and community knowledge, intention, and social support for colorectal cancer screening. Prev Chronic Dis 2013;10:120192. [Article]

Kelly JJ, Unger ER, Dunne EF, Murphy NJ, Tiesinga J, Koller KR, Swango-Wilson A, Philemonof D, Lounmala X, Markowitz LE, Steinau M, Hennessy T. HPV genotypes detected in cervical cancers from Alaska Native women, 1980-2007. Int J Circumpolar Health 2013;72. [Abstract]

Holck P, Day GE, Provost E. Mortality trends among Alaska Native people: successes and challenges. Int J Circumpolar Health 2013;72. [Abstract]


Golnick C, Asay E, Provost E, Van Liere D, Bosshart C, Rounds-Riley J, Cueva K, Hennessy TW. Innovative primary care delivery in rural Alaska: a review of patient encounters seen by community health aides. Int J Circumpolar Health 2012;71:18543. [Abstract]

Kelly J, Alberts S, Sacco F, Lanier AP. Colorectal cancer in Alaska Native people, 2005-2009. Gastrointest Cancer Res 2012;5(5):149-54. [Abstract]

Redwood D, Lanier AP, Brubaker M, Orell L, Tom-Orme L, George C, Edwards S, Slattery M. Occupational and environmental exposures among Alaska Native and American Indian people living in Alaska and the Southwest United States. J Environ Health 2012;74(9):22-8. [Abstract]

Lanier AP, Redwood DG, Kelly JJ. The Alaska Education and Research Towards Health (EARTH) Study: cancer risk factors. J Cancer Educ 2012;27(1 Suppl):S80-5. [Abstract]

Edwards SL, McFadden M, Lanier AP, Murtaugh MA, Ferucci ED, Redwood DG, Tom-Orme L, Slattery ML. Construct validity of the SF-12 among American Indian and Alaska Native people using two known scoring methods. J Health Care Poor Underserved 2012;23(3):1123-36. [Abstract]

Redwood D, Provost E, Perdue D, Haverkamp D, Espey D. The last frontier: Innovative efforts to reduce colorectal cancer disparities among remote Alaska Native populations. Gastrointestinal Endoscopy 2012;75(3):474-480. [Abstract]

Redwood DG, Lanier AP, Johnston JM, Murphy N, Murtaugh MA. Reproductive cancer risk factors among Alaska Native women: the Alaska Education and Research Towards Health (EARTH) Study. Womens Health Issues 2012;22(4):e387-93. [Abstract]

Alberts SR, Kelly JJ, Ashokkumar R, Lanier AP. Occurrence of pancreatic, biliary tract, and gallbladder cancers in Alaska Native people, 1973-2007. Int J Circumpolar Health 2012;71:17521. [Abstract]


Redwood D, Holman L, Zandman-Zeman S, Hunt T, Besh L, Katinszky W. Collaboration to increase colorectal cancer screening among low-income uninsured patients. Preventing Chronic Disease 2011;8(3). [Article]

Redwood DG, Leston J, Asay E, Ferucci E, Etzel R, Lanier AP. Strategies for successful retention of Alaska Native and American Indian study participants. J Primary Prevent 2011;32 (1):43-52. [Abstract]

Kemberling M, Hagan K, Leston J, Kitka S, Provost E, Hennessy T. Alaska native adolescent views on cervical cancer, the human papillomavirus (HPV), genital warts and the quadrivalent HPV vaccine. Int J Circumpolar Health 2011;70(3):245-53. [Abstract]

Johnston JM, Day G, Veazie MA, Provost E. Heart Disease Mortality Among Alaska Native People 1981-2007. Public Health Reports 2011; 126(1):73-83. [Abstract]


Seeff, LC, Major A, Townsend JS, Provost E, Redwood D, Espey E, Dwyer D, Villaneuva R, Larsen L, Rowley K, Banning L, Comprehensive Cancer Control Programs and Coalitions: Partnering to Launch Successful Colorectal Cancer Screening Initiatives. Cancer, Causes, and Control 2010;21(12):2023-31. [Abstract]

Redwood DG, Lanier AP, Johnston JM, et al. Chronic disease risk factors among Alaska Native and American Indian people, Alaska, 2004-2006. Prev Chronic Dis 2010;7(4). [Article]

Redwood DG, Toffolon-Weiss M, Klejka J, Sylvester I, Lundgren K, Lanier AP. Community-based participatory research in a large cohort study of chronic diseases among Alaska Native adults. Progress in Community Health Partnerships: Research Education and Action 2010; 4(4):325-330. [Abstract]

Redwood DG, Lanier AP, Renner C, Smith J, Slattery ML. Differences in cigarette and smokeless tobacco use among American Indian and Alaska Native people living in Alaska and the Southwest United States. Nicotine and Tobacco Research, 2010; 12(7):791-796. [Article]

Murtaugh MA, Ma KN, Greene T, Redwood D, Edwards S, Johnson J, Tom-Orme L, Lanier AP, Henderson JA, Slattery ML. Validation of a dietary history questionnaire for American Indian and Alaska Native people. Ethn Dis 2010;20(4):429-36. [Abstract]

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